Sunday, 30 April 2017

Showcase: Tactical Squad Nithael

2nd Squad, 5th Company: 
Finally getting around to loading some party shots of the tactical squads that were finished late last year - these were on SLR rather than my usual WIP mobile phone snaps; I've still got a bit more to work out on the light & studio-type setup, but getting there. 

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Warsenal containers

I bought a whole bunch of Warsenal terrain last Christmas and (apart from a set of wooden shipping pallets) hadn't had a chance to work on putting these together. The first half of the storage crates started their journey over the Easter weekend. 

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Devastator Squad(s) WIP #1

These suckers got their basecoat a couple of months ago as they are now nearing completion, it's worth catching up on some posts...